VMHS HOSA students advance to state competitions

                Quite a few students from the Veterans Memorial High School (VMHS) HOSA (Health Occupation Students of America) are advancing to state competitions based upon their performance at recent Area level competitions. The Texas HOSA State Conference will be held in Dallas, Texas in early April.

                Rebecca Lozoya will compete in dental terminology. Isaac Martinez is advancing in biomedical lab competitions. Kimberly Buentello has qualified for state in HOSA Happenings.

                The community awareness campaign, Love Shouldn’t Hurt, is advancing to state. The team members for this project are: Karina Farias, Isa Farias, Maria Diaz, Zenaida Alaniz.

                The national service project in support of the Leukemia/Lymphoma Society is advancing. Team members are: Brittany Bazaldua, Hannah Medina, Isaac Martinez.

                Eight members of the VMHS HOSA chapter will be honored with the Barbara James Service Award. This is given to HOSA members who complete at least 50 community service hours in qualifying services, within a specific time period. The students earning this honor are: Carlos Tello, Alex Hernandez, Alyssa Guajardo, Gabrial Lira, Jose Sanchez, Frida Barragan, Brittany Bazaldua, Isaac Martinez.

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