VMHS FFA students advance to regional competitions


            Mission, Texas- After a successful day at the Rio Grande Valley FFA District Degree Check/Elections/Public Speaking Contests, three members of the Veterans Memorial High School (VMHS) FFA Chapter are advancing to the Area 10 Regional competitions to be held in May at Texas A&M University-Kingsville.

            Alejandro Hernandez is advancing in Senior Prepared Public Speaking in Agriculture Policy after placing first at the District contest. Hernandez also qualified for  regionals in Extemporaneous Public Speaking. Kaitlyn Ramirez placed first at district in Senior Prepared Public Speaking in Agriscience and is advancing to regionals. Zenaida Alaniz is advancing to regionals in Senior Prepared Public Speaking in Natural Resources after placing first at the district competition.

            Klarissa Farias was elected to the position of Rio Grande Valley District FFA secretary. Alaniz will be running for a state office.

            Pictured are the members of the VMHS FFA at the Rio Grande Valley District FFA event.

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