Mission CISD accepting out-of-district transfer students

The Mission CISD Board of Trustees has adopted a policy that allows children living outside of the school district to attend a Mission CISD school.  A student who resides in another district and desires admission to a Mission CISD school must file an application for transfer. Those applications are available at the Mission CISD Central Administrative Offices located at 1201 Bryce Drive.  Once completed the application must be delivered to the central office.


              Completing the application does not guarantee a student will be admitted.  The following factors will be considered:

  •       The grade level, class or program requirements of the student seeking admission and the effect of additional students in that grade or program on class size, staffing and facilities.
  •       The disciplinary record of the student seeking admission.
  •       The attendance record of the student seeking admission.
  •       The academic record of the student seeking admission.
  •       If known, the parents’ compliance with reasonable district and campus requirements and compliance with district policy.


A transfer agreement must also be executed by the parents of the transfer student which includes the rules and expectations required for the transfer to remain valid.  If the rules and expectations are not met, an interdistrict transfer can be revoked by the district.


Mission CISD will not provide transportation for transfer students who reside in another school district.  It will be up to the parent to provide transportation to and from the Mission CISD school to which the student is assigned.
