Mission CISD welcomes new teachers to the district at orientation

Mission CISD welcomes new teachers to the district during their orientation that was held at Veterans Memorial High School Fine Arts Auditorium. New teachers had the opportunity to meet the campus principals, Curriculum and Instruction administrators, and superintendent.

Dr. Carol G. Perez, Superintendent, welcomed the teachers to the district and told them that they are now team Mission. She explained that our students must be taught soft skills from Pre-K to 12th grade which many Fortune 500 companies tend to seek.  

"These are 21st century skills which we call the four C's and they are communication, collaboration, critical thinking and creativity," said Dr. Carol G. Perez, Superintendent. "It all starts in the Pre-K and K classrooms that is where it all begins."

She continued to tell the new teachers that not only are we all here for the academics but to also work with our children and provide for the effective domain.

"This can be achieved through rigorous lessons, respectful tasks that are relevant to their real lives," said Dr. Perez. "We must build those relationships with our kids... when we win their hearts, when they know we care that is when they will start learning, monitoring results every several weeks, and always reflection."

Mission CISD would like to welcome all the new teachers to the district and wish them a great 2018-19 school year.
