Students learn bus safety and emergency procedures

                Over the last few weeks, students at all of Mission CISD’s (Consolidated Independent School District) schools have been learning about school bus safety and emergency procedures. The district transportation department holds the annual trainings for students in all grades.

                “Similar trainings used to be required by the state,” explained Carlos Lerma, director for transportation. “While that requirement ended a few years ago, we felt it was important enough to continue with it.”

                Bus drivers take turns making presentations to students. The topics include: bus safety rules, how to use all emergency exits and doors, what to do if the driver becomes incapacitated, how to operate the emergency brake, how to use the two-way radio to call for help, use of the fire extinguisher and first aid kit.

                Lerma said that by giving the trainings to the students each year, they hope the information becomes second nature to them and limits any panic should there be an actual emergency while they are on a school bus.

                Adults who are activity sponsors or chaperones from the schools are also encouraged to participate in the trainings. They often are on the buses with students during field trips and travel with the students to UIL events.

                Pictured is driver Graciela Jasso, as she shows students how to operate the two-way radio that each bus has.

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