Awarded Contracts Purchases

Awarded Contracts

Purchases less than $5,000:

Purchases should be based on a competitive and reasonable price from awarded contracts. Due diligence should be exercised to ensure reasonable value. Copies of original quote must be attached to the requisition entry on Tyler Munis.

Purchases from $5,000 to $ 20,000:

Purchases over $5,000 and using an awarded contract must be supported as to “Best Value”. If the goods or services purchased are not awarded on a line item contract it is the responsibility of the campus or department to obtain three (3) competitive quotes. (No Bid or No Response is not a Quote) Only written (e-mailed or faxed) quotes are accepted. Quotes must be documented on the District’s Quote Tabulation Form. Recommendation justifications for recommendations other than lowest price must be documented on an Evaluation Matrix Form. Copies of original quotes and either copy of the recommendations forms must be attached to the requisition entry on Tyler Munis. Principal or Administrator must sign the recommendation form.

Purchases over $20,000 and less than $50,000:

Purchases over $20,000 but under $50,000 and using an awarded contract must be supported as to ”Best Value”. Solicitation of these competitive quotes must be coordinated through MCISD's Purchasing Office. A written request for quotations (RFQ) containing specific, clear and concise requirements must be provided to prospective vendors. This procedure helps assure that all vendors receive the same information regarding the requirement. Only written (e-mailed or faxed) quotes are accepted. Recommendation of quotes based on lowest price must be documented on the District’s Quote Tabulation Form. Justifications for recommendations other than lowest price must be documented on an Evaluation Matrix Form. Copies of original quotes and either copy of the recommendations forms must be attached to the requisition entry on Tyler Munis. Principal or Administrator must sign the recommendation form.

Purchases $50,000 and over:
Purchases over $50,000 and using an awarded contract must be supported as to “ Best Value”. Solicitation of competitive quotes must be obtained by MCISD's Purchasing Office. Only written quotes are accepted. Quotes and “Best Value” evaluation justification must be documented on the District’s Quote Tabulation Form. Before the purchase order is issued the purchase request must be approved by the Board of Trustees. Call the Purchasing Department for assistance.