VMHS Options Academy Students Take Flight with Monarch Butterfly Garden Project


Veterans Memorial High School Options Academy Students

Take Flight with Monarch Butterfly Garden Project


MISSION, TEXAS (DECEMBER 13, 2023) - Veterans Memorial High School (VMHS) Options Academy teacher, Wenndy Pray, and four students, Luis, Matthew, Ricardo, and Yaxiri, have been awarded two grants – the Butterfly Conservatory Kingdom and the Butterfly Kingdom Keepers grant.

Together, these grants provide a total of $1,171.78 for their program, Options Academy, to establish a pollinator garden for Monarch butterflies and for future generations of students.

The project aims to not only beautify the school grounds but also conserve and maintain a biodiverse public space for current and future generations of students.

What sets this project apart is the students' planning. By using native plants and selecting species that do not require annual replacement, they anticipate significant long-term cost savings for the school in maintenance expenses. Furthermore, the project will convert 1,800 square feet (about half the area of a tennis court) of school land into a biodiverse oasis for all students to enjoy, promoting a greater connection to nature.

“VMHS is excited to see this project come to life, knowing it will not only benefit the environment but also serve as an educational and recreational asset for all students,” said Pray. “Great things are coming from our OPTIONS students here at VMHS showcasing the power of youth in action for a greener, more sustainable future.”

The collaboration with EcoRise to secure the Eco-Audit Butterfly Kingdom Keepers Grant demonstrates the students' dedication as EcoRise grants can only be written by students.

