District of Innovation
On March 20, 2019 the Mission CISD Board of Trustees approved a District of Innovation Plan for Flexibility with the School Calendar and Career and Technical Education Certifications with No Option to Amend the Plan. The Texas 84th Legislature created a new flexibility titled “Districts of Innovation” through HB 1842. Public school districts have the opportunity to develop a plan that provides for exemptions from some burdensome state regulations. A part of the process involved in the designation is the development of an Innovation Plan. That plan was created by the Mission CISD District Educational Improvement Council on February 14, 2019.
The pdf below is the Board approved Innovation Plan for Mission CISD. The document also contains background information about the District of Innovation designation, the requirements involved and the process used prior to administration embarking on an extensive presentation tour of all schools and civic groups.
On June 11, 2019, the Mission CISD Board of Trustees adopted changes to Board Policies: AF(LOCAL), DBA(LOCAL), DK(LOCAL), and EB(LOCAL) addressing the specific areas approved in the District of Innovation Plan. The pdf below shows the proposed revisions that were adopted. The final versions of the policies will be reflected on the Board Policy Online as soon as they are processed by the policy online provider, Texas Association of School Boards (TASB).
The Mission CISD District of Innovation Committee (District Education Improvement Council) met to review the current plan and seek input on November 3, 2022, regarding the District of Innovation Renewal Process. This was presented to the Board of Trustees on November 16th.
A meeting with the District of Innovation Committee is scheduled for December 1, 2022, to continue the dialogue and seek input.
The final version of the proposed plan was posted on the district's website for at least 30 days beginning November 28th.
January 12, 2023
The Mission CISD District of Innovation Committee (District Education Improvement Council) established under the Texas Education Code (TEC), §11.251, held a public* meeting to consider the final version of the proposed plan and approved the plan by a majority unanimous vote of the committee member (*meeting must be public for renewal).
January 13, 2023
The final version of the proposed plan is posted on the district's website for at least 30 days.
February 15, 2023
The Mission CISD Board of Trustees met to consider renewing the proposed local innovation plan by an affirmative vote of two-thirds of the membership of the board. The vote was unanimous 7 in favor and none opposed.