Registration underway for 3rd Annual Parent Conference

                Mission CISD (Consolidated Independent School District) is hosting its 3rd Annual District-wide Parent Conference on Saturday, November 16, from 8:30 a.m.-3:30 p.m. at R. Cantu Jr. High School. A light lunch will be provided, and door prizes will be given at the end of the conference.  Any Mission CISD parent interested should pre-register for the conference by contacting the community liaison at their child’s school as soon as possible.

                “We are expanding the conference this year,” said Myrna Vazquez, coordinator for parental involvement. “We have been using feedback from parents to try and expand upon the topics for sessions parents will have to choose from. We want to help arm our parents with the knowledge and support they need to be an active participant in their child’s education.”

                Session topics include: graduation plans, STAAR testing, Career Technical Education, bilingual education. Migrant services, parent portal, health initiatives, bullying, support services, college readiness, and more.

                The theme is FIESTA (Family Involvement Encourages Students To Achieve).

                For more information, parents can contact the community liaison at their child’s school or the district coordinator for parental involvement, Myrna Vazquez, at 323-5350.

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