MHS FFA students honored by Hidalgo County Commissioners Court

                The Mission High School (MHS) FFA parliamentary procedure team received yet another honor recently. The Hidalgo County Commissioners Court approved a resolution in honor of the team winning the Silver Medal Emblem Award at the national FFA convention this past fall. The resolution also honors their performance at nationals in placing third in the preliminary round of competitions and several awards earned by individual team members.

                The resolution also recognizes the team for being undefeated at the district, regional, state semi-finals and state finals. Other accomplishments mentioned include: the first state championship parliamentary procedure team from the Rio Grande Valley; first FFA team invited to perform in the State Senate Chambers in Austin and the Texas State Board of Education.

                The honored Mission FFA parliamentary procedure team members are: Vanessa Calderon, president; Johanna Jimenez, secretary; Jose Calderon, officer; Rolando Hinojosa, officer; Alyssa Flores, officer; Itzel Lopez, officer; Christopher Venecia, officer; Kimberly Cantu, officer; Sebastian Martinez, officer.

                Pictured from left to right are: Rolando Gonzalez, advisor; Benito Garza, advisor; Vanessa Cruz, sponsor; Johanna Jimenez; Sebastian Martinez; Jose Calderon; Christopher Venecia; Alyssa Flores; Itzel Lopez; Rolando Hinojosa; Sergio Pena, director of Career and Technical Education; Joe Flores, commissioner, precinct 3; Ramon Garcia, county judge; A.C. Cuellar, commissioner, precinct 1.
