Mission Jr. High School Academic UIL team wins district meet

                The Mission Jr. High School (MJH) Academic UIL Team has won first place, overall at the annual District UIL meet. Much like in the high schools, final results for the academic competition include the results from the One Act Play competition. With the One Act Play points included (One Act Play, 7th grade, 8th grade), MJH comes out on top, beating out schools from a neighboring district.

                In other results from the District meet, Mission CISD (Consolidated Independent School District) students performed well. In the sixth grade competition, Mission Jr. High School came in first place, R. Cantu Jr. High School earned second place, and Alton Memorial Jr. High School came in third.

                This past Saturday, May 10, was the One Act Play competition where R. Cantu Jr. High School came in first place and Mission Jr. High School came in 2nd place.

                Overall in the 7th-8th grade UIL District competition (with One Act Play points) Mission Jr. High School took first place, R. Cantu Jr. High School came in fourth place.

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