MHS Future Business Leaders of America Advance to State Competition

Eleven Mission High School Future Business Leaders of America (FBLA) students will head to San Antonio in March for the Texas FBLA State Leadership Conference. The students advanced from the Area 4 Leadership Conference held at Mission High School in January under the direction of FBLA Adviser Ramiro O’Caña.

FBLA prepares students for college and careers through leadership, community service, and academic activities. The students advancing to state are: back row, from left, Aaron Relko (2nd-Intro. to Financial Math), Oscar Ybarra (1st-Cyber Security), Juan Reyna (1st-Computer Problem Solving), Juan Rodriguez (6th-Accounting I), Jensen Rosales (4th-Intro. To Business Communication), and Ruben Cantu (5th-Accounting I); front row, from left, Samantha Reyna (2nd-Business Communication), Melissa Molina (2nd-Accounting I), Marcela Rodriguez (2nd-Database Design & Applications), and Lenore Villarreal (2nd-Health Care Administration). Not pictured, Elizabeth Bustillos (3rd-Health Care Administration).  
