MCISD Honored for their Contribution to United Way of South Texas

Mission CISD attends the United Way of South Texas 2018 Awards Ceremony. The non-profit organization honored the many volunteers and outstanding supporters that have gone above and beyond to participate in their annual campaign. Mission CISD was one out four school districts honored for being a Highest Per Captiva District and also received the Golden Apple Award which is presented to the top five school district contributors.


“This recognition is a great honor for our district and that is great, but the annual campaign that we coordinate is about more than that, it is about helping people in our community with our donations,” said Sylvia Cruz, Director of Risk Management/ Campaign Coordinator. “The organization assures that 100 percent of the donations stay in Hidalgo and Starr Counties.”


They have over 100 programs through 23 partner agencies and many community impact grant recipients. They have programs such as the Volunteer Income Tax Assistance which is a free tax service for families earning $54,000 or less, Day of Caring in which volunteers are able to package school supplies for incoming freshmen to rotating school districts, Back-To-School Instyle Shopping Spree which provides middle school students attire for back to school, and many other programs that not only help students and member of our community. 


“We look forward to continuing our support of our students and community through United Way and their many programs,” said Cruz.


For more information on this annual campaign please contact the Risk Management Department at 956-323-5545.


Congratulations to Mission CISD for receiving the Highest Per Captiva District and the Golden Apple Awards.
