VMHS Harlequins One Act Play Team advances to district finals

            Mission, Texas- The Veterans Memorial High School Harlequins One Act Play Team is advancing out of the zone level competitions into the district finals to be held this Friday, March 9. The Harlequins are performing The Mariner, by Don Nigro.

            In addition to advancing to the district finals, several of the Harlequins team members earned special recognitions at the zone competition. They include: Kassandra Saldana, tech award; Emiliano Perez, honorable mention all-star cast award; Iris Flores, honorable mention all-star cast award; Samuel Gonzalez, all-star cast award; Allison Garza, all-star cast award.

            The VMHS Harlequins One Act Play Team is scheduled to perform at the district finals at 4:00 p.m. on Friday, March 9. The competition is being held at the VMHS Performing Arts Center.

            Pictured is the VMHS Harlequins One Act Play Team after the zone competitions.

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