Mission Collegiate High School rated in the top 500 in the country

            Mission, Texas- Mission Collegiate High School (MCHS) has earned a Gold Award from the U.S. News & World Report in its annual ranking of high schools in the country. This puts the campus in the top 500 schools in the country, based on highest college readiness.

            MCHS has been ranked among the best in the country by U.S. News & World Report, earned a Bronze Award from the publication the past three years. This year MCHS jumped up to be ranked 336 in the country, earning them a Gold Award in the national ranking. According to U.S. News, only 2% of high schools earn a Gold.

            In addition to its place among the best in the country, the publication ranks MCHS at number 55 out of the 1,785 high schools in Texas.

            “We are extremely proud of the students and staff at Mission Collegiate High School,” said Cris Valdez, interim superintendent. “This ranking was using data from the 2015-2016 school year, the first year they had grades 9-12 at the campus. It is a wonderful reflection of what is possible for students at any of our high schools.”

            The national publication uses a four-step process in determining the Best High Schools lists. The first three are designed to ensure that the schools serve all students well. Step one looks at students exceeding expectations in their states on reading and mathematics assessments. Step two looks at data on underserved student performance. Step three looks at student graduation rates. If schools pass the first three steps, they then calculate a college readiness index based on the percentages of each school’s students who took and passed Advanced Placement (AP) and International Baccalaureate (IB) exams.

            As a state-designated early college high school, MCHS students are allowed to take college courses as early as their freshmen year in high school. Students also receive a rigorous curriculum through dual credit and AP courses. Students who apply themselves can graduate from MCHS with both a high school diploma and an Associates Degree from South Texas College. Currently, 67% of MCHS’s class of 2018 are on target to graduate with an Associate’s Degree this month.

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