MHS Greenhand Chapter Conducting team named State Qualifiers

The future is bright for members of the Mission High School FFA. The MHS FFA Greenhand Chapter Conducting (Parliamentary Procedure) team had a successful year. The Greenhand team members consist of first year members of the FFA Organization along with an upperclassman serving as student advisor. This year the team won two championships and advanced to the State Semi-Finals at Sam Houston State University in Huntsville, TX.


Citrus Valley FFA District Champions (1st place)


Area X FFA Reserve Champions (2nd place)


Texas FFA State Semi-Finals 9th place

   The Texas FFA is the nation’s largest state FFA associations with a membership of more than 123,000 active FFA members. FFA programs teach skills in leadership, career development and personal growth. FFA gives students the opportunity to practically apply classroom knowledge to real-world experiences through local, state and national competitions. Sam Houston State University has partnered with Texas FFA in hosting these competitions for more than 80 years.
